A downloadable tool

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

This voucher gives you 95% off every sample pack (including the entire discography bundle) at my sample pack site (Analog Samples), and it never expires.

What does it all mean? Well:

  • $9.99 becomes $0.49
  • $4.99 (sale price) becomes $0.24 (yes, less than a quarter)
  • $53.95 (discography price) becomes $2.69

Essentially, you'll have a secret backdoor price that's always 95% off the price that I'm offering the public. So if you think they're getting a great deal, you're going to like this one!

Currently there are 54 sample packs filled with crazy, glitchy modular goodness (including some really handy utility packs and much more), so there's a lot to check out over there with a 95% voucher in hand!


Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

95_percent_off_voucher.txt 180 bytes

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