Setup: Script setup & initializing your object

How to call up the script in Powershell:

  1.  Put your script somewhere memorable, like C:/Scripts
  2. Call the script by typing ."C:/Scripts/cli_tools.ps1"

Creating an instance of the object:

  • Create an instance of the object using this syntax: $variable = [Tool]::new("sketch", "port", "board")
  • "sketch" refers to the location of your sketch (file.ino or folder containing the .ino will both work)
  • Port refers to "COM5", or "COM12". Use the "arduino-cli board list" command  to see where yours is
  • Board choices (currently) are "pico", "metro" and "uno" (although there are places to add others)
  • More board shortcuts are on the way, after I test all of mine and see what's available :)

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