Setup: Arduino CLI

If you're brand new to the Arduino CLI, this guide will get your Powershell / CLI wagon hitched up!

  1.  Download the Arduino CLI (preferably the .zip file) from Github
  2. Stick ArduinoCLI.exe inside of a folder in C:/. Let's call that folder "CLI Folder" for future reference
  3. Hold shift, right-click on CLI Folder and select "copy as path"
  4. Go to your start menu, start typing "Environment variables" and find "Edit environment variables"
  5. Go to the "advanced" tap in the window that popped up and click on "Environment Variables..."
  6.  In the bottom pane of the window that just opened up, find "Path" and click "edit"
  7. Click "new" and then copy your clipboard's path into the new slot that just emerged

Now you're ready to use the script! Follow along in the next tutorial to get the script up and running!


cli_tools.ps1 2.5 kB
May 23, 2024

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